The Employee Retention Tax Credit May End January 31, 2024!

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The Employee Retention Tax Credit may end January 31, 2024!

Even if you already received one round of the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) or were told you weren't eligible, you may actually be eligible for ERC funds. 

Recent proposed legislation has been advanced to the House of Representatives that could end the ERC tax credit as soon as January 31, 2024. If the vote passes, this opportunity will be lost for good! 

This COVID-19 era tax credit allows businesses to receive a payroll tax refund for keeping employees on their payroll during Q2–4 of 2020 and Q1–3 2021. If you kept your employees during those periods, you likely will qualify for something — up to $26,000 per employee! 

Roy Matlock, Jr. Business Services, in partnership with with Occams Advisory, can help you learn more about this opportunity for your business.
