Product Pricing

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You have full control on the pricing for any book on your website (eBook prices are set by Kobo).


Navigate to: Store > Configuration > Store Pricing > Books

  1. By Model (ISBN) - Individual titles can be marked up or down.

    1. Select  'Add a new ISBN.'
    2. Enter the 13 digit ISBN (no hyphens or spaces) into the ‘Model’ field
    3. Enter  the percentage or dollar amount that you would like to mark up or down (Do not include the % or $ symbol.)
    4. Select 'Discount' or 'Mark Up'
    5. Submit
  2. Wholesale Discount - The categories are indicated as discount percentages (the discounts given to booksellers by wholesalers) off the retail price of the book. For example, if you choose 40% from the list, and markup or discount that category, all books flagged as having a 40% discount from the wholesalers will be affected by the price change you include. 
  • REG includes books sold at the regular trade discount.
  • LOW includes books that are price points below $3.00, many of which are sold to retailers at 20% off.
  • NET includes titles that are sold at NET price from the wholesaler to the bookseller.

Each markup of Wholesale Discount Categories is specific to the given category

  1. Select  'Add a New Wholesale Discount Category'
  2. Select a ‘Discount Category
  3. Enter the percentage that you would like to mark up or down (do not include the % symbol)
  4. Select 'Discount' or 'Mark Up'
  5. Submit
  1. NET Discount Setting - This setting allows you to disable the sale of NET books through your web site. If the check is present NET books are unavailable for purchase on your website. If the check is not present NET books are available for purchase.

    1. Select ‘NET Discount’ check box
    2. Books with NET wholesale discount cannot be purchased on-line. This setting is not applicable for ebooks.
    3. Customize the message displayed when a NET book is viewed on your site.
    4. Submit
  1. Not For Sale - You can upload a file with a list of ISBNs that you do not wish to offer for sale on your site. This will not prevent the book from appearing on your site but will remove the ‘Add to Cart’ button.

    1. Review the requirements for your file
    2. Browse and Upload your file
    3. Customize the message displayed for book that are not for sale
    4. Submit

For more details about the Not For Sale upload, please read our full help documentation on this feature.

     NOTE: The Not For Sale list is processed 4 times a day, so the status change will not be immediately visible.
     NOTE: To 'undo' a Not For Sale file upload, a blank .txt file will need to be uploaded.  As this will not take effect immediately, we recommend doing this about a day before the book(s) need to be available again.


You can also adjust the price by model from the individual book product page.

Navigate to: (replace ISBN with actual ISBN)

  1. Select the ‘Store Pricing’ tab
  2. Confirm the model # is the correct ISBN
  3. Enter the percentage or dollar amount (Do not include the % or $ symbol)
  4. Select ‘Discount’ or ‘Mark Up
  5. Submit


To find out more about ‘LSI’, please review “Uploading Your Store Inventory”.


Coupons are another method of offering special pricing to your customers. To learn more about offering coupons through your website please review “Coupon Codes”.

IndieLite D7 Taxonomy: 

About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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