What Unites Us: Event Landing Page

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Author, journalist, and former news anchor, Dan Rather, will serve as the American Bookselller Association’s spokesperson for this year's Indie’s First campaign, taking place on Small Business Saturday, November 28th. You can read the full announcement and more information about this campaign here.

In addition, we will be hosting an Indie’s First event with Dan Rather; complete with free, digital admission. IndieCommerce and IndieLite stores can build a web page containing the event registration, the book, a donation product for your store, and event details.

Solution #1: Event with a Registration Link

In this scenario, we are going to create a simple calendar ‘event’, include a link to Eventbrite for registration, and add the book and donation product as 'book lists'.

  1. Navigate to Content > Add Content > Event 
  2. Title: Dan Rather: “What Unites Us”
  3. Body: Upload a banner image from the assets available on Bookweb.org and link the image to the Eventbrite registration page - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dan-rather-what-unites-us-tickets-129594840657 (Steps for uploading images can be found in our Help Center) 
  4. Event Date: 12/02/2020 @ 7:00pm EST (You can uncheck 'Show End Date')
  5. Event Address: Leave it empty
  6. Save

Solution #2: Event Or Page with EventBrite Embed Code

In this scenario, we are going to add the embed code for the Eventbrite registration to a web page, and add the book and donation product as 'book lists'. This will allow customers to register for the event without having to leave your website.

A sample of the embedded registration can be viewed here.

  1. Navigate to Content > Add Content > Event  
  2. Title: Dan Rather: “What Unites Us”
  3. Event Date: 12/02/2020 @ 7:00pm EST
  4. Body: click the top left button labeled ‘Source’
  5. Paste the embed code for the Eventbrite registration in the body, and save.

<div id="eventbrite-widget-container-129594840657"></div>

<script src="https://www.eventbrite.com/static/widgets/eb_widgets.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

    var exampleCallback = function() {

        console.log('Order complete!');



        // Required

        widgetType: 'checkout',

        eventId: '129594840657',

        iframeContainerId: 'eventbrite-widget-container-129594840657',

        // Optional

        iframeContainerHeight: 425,  // Widget height in pixels. Defaults to a minimum of 425px if not provided

        onOrderComplete: exampleCallback  // Method called when an order has successfully completed




Including the Book and a Donation

On the same event, you can include the book “What Unites Us” as well as a store donation product for customers to purchase. If you do not have a donation product, navigate to Store > Configuration > Account Information & Preferences > Store Features and send a request to enable the donation feature for your site.

  1. Navigate to Content > Add Content > Donation
  2. Title: “What Unites Us” Store Donation, or whatever title you feel appropriate for your store.
  3. Image: You can upload your own image, or, if left blank, the system will display the default donation image.
  4. Create a unique SKU, but leave the price field as 0. This will allow customers to select their own donation amount.
  5. Save.
  6. Copy the donation SKU and the book ISBN 9781616209940
  7. Go back to your “What Unites Us” event and click edit.
  8. Scroll down the page to the ‘Books’ section. This is the booklist where we can add both our donation product and the book.
  9. In the ISBN/SKU field, paste in your Donation SKU. Click anywhere outside of the pane if it doesn’t automatically populate.
  10. Once the Donation has populated, paste the ISBN for “What Unites Us”
  11. (Optional): Click ‘Provide a Menu Link’ to add this event page to your main menu bar for easier access and higher visibility.
  12. Save.

You can link to this page a number of ways. As said above, you can create a menu item that will take customers to the event page. Or, you can add a banner on the home page and link it to this event.


IndieCommerce Help Documents


About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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