212 results. Results may be paginated. Select one or more topics and filter by tag, format, or conference to focus results. Some resources are visible only to logged-in, ABA bookseller members.

Safeguarding Our Stories: Leveraging Insurance to Navigate Book Bans

Recorded September 26, 2024 for Webinars
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CoverHound is thrilled to present a special four-part webinar series for ABA members, Insuring Success: Business Insurance for Bookstores.
On September 26, CoverHound presented part four of this series, Safeguarding Our Stories: Leveraging Insurance to Navigate Book Bans, a webinar designed to help bookstore owners navigate book bans and censorship challenges. Discover how insurance coverage can play a crucial role in ensuring books remain freely available to your community. Learn about the specialized coverages that protect your book business against legal battles, loss of revenue, and reputational damage in the face of censorship efforts. We'll show you how insurance can serve as a safeguard for your bookstore's mission of promoting diverse ideas and perspectives. Engage in an interactive Q&A session to address your concerns and gain actionable strategies for protecting your bookstore's freedom of expression.
CoverHound is proud to partner with the ABA in managing the Bookseller Insurance Program, which has been supporting the unique insurance needs of bookstores since 1997. More information can be found at https://www.coverhound.com/booksellers.
Links & Files
  • Operations & Personnel Management

Workers' Compensation: Navigating Claims, Compliance, and Coverage

Recorded July 25, 2024 for Webinars
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CoverHound is thrilled to present a special four-part webinar series for ABA members, Insuring Success: Business Insurance for Bookstores.
On July 25, at 3:00 pm ET, CoverHound presented part three of this series, Workers' Compensation: Navigating Claims, Compliance, and Coverage. In this webinar, we explore the crucial topic of workers' compensation insurance. Discover the essential coverage options necessary to protect your employees and your business. From slip-and-fall accidents to repetitive strain injuries, we'll discuss real-life scenarios where workers' comp proves indispensable. Gain valuable insights, ask questions during our interactive Q&A, and leave equipped with the knowledge to safeguard your bookstore and support your team effectively.
CoverHound is proud to partner with the ABA in managing the Bookseller Insurance Program, which has been supporting the unique insurance needs of bookstores since 1997. More information can be found at https://www.coverhound.com/booksellers.
Links & Files
  • Operations & Personnel Management

Planning Your Calendar to Navigate the Unexpected

Recorded June 12, 2024 for Children's Institute 2024
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How you plan your calendar impacts the flow of business. Knowing what’s coming down the pike can better help you navigate surprises. This session asks you to review what you can anticipate during any calendar year and plot the constants (holidays, frontlist ordering windows, weekly bestseller reporting, ABACUS, national and regional events) so that when variables (staff vacations, events & book fairs, emergencies) arise, you already have one foot out of triage and can better handle whatever comes at you.
Files & Links
Courtney Wallace, American Booksellers Association - White Plains, NY

Jennifer Sauter-Price, Read Early And Daily R.E.A.D. - Arlington, VA

Rene Holderman, Third Place Books - Lake Forest Park, WA

Melissa Taylor, E. Shaver, Bookseller - Savannah, GA
  • Operations & Personnel Management

Bookstore Systems and Automations

Recorded June 12, 2024 for Children's Institute 2024
Can a bookstore be a Rube Goldberg machine? Realistically? Probably not, but here booksellers will apply the geometric law of syllogism (“If this, then that”) to demonstrate how to automate processes or develop systems to follow a consistent pattern or trigger a chain reaction of “this, then that.” Attendees will learn about low code/no code automation, and have the chance to examine and re-evaluate systems that can be streamlined to create an outcome that follows a chain reaction pattern — whether it’s an Excel formula or a standard procedure for fluid store operations.
Files & Links
  • Mikey LaFave, Avid Bookshop - Athens, GA
  • Hannah Oliver Depp, Loyalty Bookstores - Washington, DC
  • Kelly Justice, Fountain Booktore - Richmond, VA
  • Danielle King, Left Bank Books - St. Louis, MO
  • Operations & Personnel Management

Creating Training Plans that Work

Recorded June 11, 2024 for Children's Institute 2024
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We don’t believe in training just for training’s sake, or just because it's the right thing to do. We firmly believe that the best and most successful training positively changes behavior and, therefore, positively affects our business’ bottom lines. We’ll share key elements of how we design and deliver our staff training as well as other tips we’ve learned over the years. (Presented by ZingTrain.)
Files & Links
Elnian Gilbert, ZingTrain - Ann Arbor, MI
  • Operations & Personnel Management

Seminar: Leader's Guide to Performance Management

Recorded June 10, 2024 for Children's Institute 2024
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Helping staff succeed is the primary role of a leader, though many leaders struggle with exactly how to do that. In this two-hour workshop, we’ll share practical, tactical tools for leaders to use to tackle performance problems, give future-focused feedback, and manage their teams more effectively. Presented by ZingTrain.
Files & Links
Elnian Gilbert, ZingTrain - Ann Arbor, MI
  • Operations & Personnel Management

Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding with an Inclusive & Accessible Lens

Recorded June 10, 2024 for Children's Institute 2024
This workshop is designed to empower bookstore managers and owners with the knowledge and tools to cultivate truly inclusive environments. Over the course of two hours, this interactive session will guide participants through the nuances of recruitment, hiring, and onboarding through the lens of anti-racism, inclusivity, and accessibility. Building on the principles advocated by RISEwithUS (Radical Insightful and Solutions to create Equity), this workshop aims to integrate equity-centered practices and leadership into the very foundation of bookstore operations.
Files & Links


  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Diversity & Inclusion

Lightning Talk - Using Slack for Staff Communication with Liz Whitelam (Whitelam Books)

Recorded April 11, 2024 for Lightning Talks
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ABA's Lightning Talk series features booksellers presenting 5-10 minute talks on tech tools, organizational strategies, communication methods, or innovations they’ve made in their stores. On April 11, 2024, Liz Whitelam (Whitelam Books) discussed Using Slack for Staff Communication.
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  • Operations & Personnel Management

Lightning Talk - Balancing Scheduling & Employee Morale with Amani Jackson (The Ivy Bookshop)

Recorded April 11, 2024 for Lightning Talks
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ABA's Lightning Talk series features booksellers presenting 5-10 minute talks on tech tools, organizational strategies, communication methods, or innovations they’ve made in their stores. On April 11, 2024, Amani Jackson (The Ivy Bookshop) discussed Balancing Scheduling and Employee Morale.
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  • Operations & Personnel Management

Safeguarding Your Shelves: Business Insurance Basics for Book Retailers

Recorded March 28, 2024 for Webinars
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CoverHound is thrilled to present a special four-part webinar series for ABA members, Insuring Success: Business Insurance for Bookstores.
On March 28 at 3:00 pm ET, CoverHound presented part one of this series, Safeguarding Your Shelves: Business Insurance Basics for Book Retailers. In this webinar, tailored to book retailers and bookstore owners, CoverHound guides bookstore owners through the essential aspects of commercial insurance. Learn about the coverage options necessary to safeguard your book business against unforeseen risks, including property damage, liability claims, and business interruption.
CoverHound is proud to partner with the ABA in managing the Bookseller Insurance Program, which has been supporting the unique insurance needs of bookstores since 1997. More information can be found at https://www.bookweb.org/coverhound-business-insurance-details.
Links & Files
  • Operations & Personnel Management

Strategies for Employee Retention

Recorded February 14, 2024 for Winter Institute 2024
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The heart of a bookstore is the bookseller in the stacks, on the floor, behind the counter, or in the back room. These are the dedicated professionals who create the welcoming environment your community experiences every day. How do you keep this team? This session will cover important factors that impact employee retention today. You will be asked to consider your store culture, the openness of store-wide communication, your diversity and inclusion efforts, and conditions around compensation, among other important factors that drive employee satisfaction and retention. Come prepared to listen, engage, and leave with the beginnings of an action plan.
Suzanna Hermans, Oblong Books - Millerton, NY
Jamie Thomas, Women & Children First - Chicago, IL
DJ Johnson, Baldwin & Co. - New Orleans, LA
Lyn Roberts, Square Books - Oxford, MS
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  • Operations & Personnel Management

Leading Leaders: Developing Staff Leadership Skills

Recorded February 13, 2024 for Winter Institute 2024
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Investing in the leadership skills of your staff has both short-term and long-term benefits, from building a better culture for your team to identifying potential successors when you retire. In this session, Kim Scott, author of Radical Candor and the forthcoming Radical Respect, will teach you how to nurture staff into leadership roles, and evaluate the process for success!
Kim Scott, author of Radical Respect : How to Work Together Better (On sale May 7, 2024 from St. Martin's Griffin)
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  • Operations & Personnel Management

Making Numbers Count: Quantifying Success with KPIs

Recorded February 13, 2024 for Winter Institute 2024
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You’ve meticulously curated your inventory, designed the perfect displays, and developed an events program for your community — but how will you know if what you’re doing is working? Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will give you the answer. KPIs are specific outcome-based targets that support your strategic plan and can be measured quantitatively, such as inventory turnover ratios, sales per square foot, and average transaction value. By the time you leave this session, you will: (1) understand the meaning and value of critical retail KPIs and how to track them, (2) understand how to compare your store’s KPIs against financial metrics found in the ABACUS report, and (3) be able to apply this data to create an improvement plan for at least one area of your store’s performance.
Cynthia Compton, MacArthur Books - Carmel, IN
Melissa DeMotte, The Well Read Moose - Coeur d'Alene, ID
Candice Anderson, Tombolo Books - St. Petersburg, FL
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  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Financial Management

Lightning Talk - Emma Kaas (Norwich Bookstore) on Taking Annual Inventory

Recorded January 11, 2024 for Lightning Talks


ABA's Lightning Talk series features booksellers presenting 5-10 minute talks on tech tools, organizational strategies, communication methods, or innovations they’ve made in their stores. On January 11, 2024, Emma Kaas (Norwich Bookstore) discussed Taking Annual Inventory.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101

Lightning Talk - Book Vending Machines with Isis Asare of Sistah SciFi

Recorded June 15, 2023 for Lightning Talks
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ABA's Lightning Talk series features booksellers presenting 5-10 minute talks on tech tools, organizational strategies, communication methods, or innovations they’ve made in their stores. On June 15, 2023, Isis Asare of Sistah SciFi (Oakland, CA) discussed Book Vending Machines.


  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Small but Mighty: Creating a Financially Sustainable Business at Any Size

Recorded June 6, 2023 for Children's Institute 2023
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Small bookstores (less than 1000 square feet of selling space) have a lot to share with larger bookstores about financial sustainability. This bookseller-led panel will present innovative ideas for how to manage budgeting, buying, displaying, selling, and returns to keep your store financially stable, no matter the size.
Kathy Burnette, Brain Lair Books - South Bend, IN
Heather Hebert, Children's Book World - Haverford, PA
PK Sindwani, American Booksellers Association - White Plains, NY
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded June 6, 2023 for Children's Institute 2023
Small bookstores (less than 1000 square feet of selling space) have a lot to share with larger bookstores about financial sustainability. This bookseller-led panel will present innovative ideas for how to manage budgeting, buying, displaying, selling, and returns to keep your store financially stable, no matter the size.
Kathy Burnette, Brain Lair Books - South Bend, IN
Heather Hebert, Children's Book World - Haverford, PA
PK Sindwani, American Booksellers Association - White Plains, NY
PDF icon 2PM Small but Mighty.pdf295.58 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Communication in a Changing Workforce

Recorded June 6, 2023 for Children's Institute 2023
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Presented by ZingTrain: The world of work is changing rapidly due to labor movements, the political and economic landscape, health crises, and a multigenerational labor force. Managers are facing unique challenges, as well as opportunities, when it comes to building a happy, productive team. Providing and receiving feedback is a critical part of managing employees and being an employee in a bookstore. However, it can be challenging. In this session, we will explore strategies for relaying feedback that promotes employee development and contributes to a positive workplace culture as well as receiving and responding to feedback that supports an employee in feeling heard and seen. You will learn how to effectively deliver, receive, and respond to feedback that is specific, actionable, and focused on behaviors, rather than personal traits. We will also cover strategies for dealing with difficult feedback conversations and for providing feedback in a timely and consistent manner.
Timo Anderson, ZingTrain - Ann Arbor, MI
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded June 6, 2023 for Children's Institute 2023
Presented by ZingTrain: The world of work is changing rapidly due to labor movements, the political and economic landscape, health crises, and a multigenerational labor force. Managers are facing unique challenges, as well as opportunities, when it comes to building a happy, productive team. Providing and receiving feedback is a critical part of managing employees and being an employee in a bookstore. However, it can be challenging. In this session, we will explore strategies for relaying feedback that promotes employee development and contributes to a positive workplace culture as well as receiving and responding to feedback that supports an employee in feeling heard and seen. You will learn how to effectively deliver, receive, and respond to feedback that is specific, actionable, and focused on behaviors, rather than personal traits. We will also cover strategies for dealing with difficult feedback conversations and for providing feedback in a timely and consistent manner.
Timo Anderson, ZingTrain - Ann Arbor, MI
PDF icon Changing Workforce PDF.pdf1.24 MB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Five Steps to Effective On-Shift Training

Recorded June 5, 2023 for Children's Institute 2023
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On-shift training is the primary form of training in many businesses - one trainer teaching skill-based information to one or two trainees. Despite its popularity, it is often hard to get consistent results when not all trainers are on the same page, are not working with the same expectations, and sometimes, are not on the same skill level. This leads to frustrated trainees, managers, and trainers. The 5 Steps for Effective On-Shift Training are guaranteed to improve the experience of trainer and trainee alike - and lead to better, more enjoyable results!
Timo Anderson, ZingTrain - Ann Arbor, MI


  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded June 5, 2023 for Children's Institute 2023
On-shift training is the primary form of training in many businesses - one trainer teaching skill-based information to one or two trainees. Despite its popularity, it is often hard to get consistent results when not all trainers are on the same page, are not working with the same expectations, and sometimes, are not on the same skill level. This leads to frustrated trainees, managers, and trainers. The 5 Steps for Effective On-Shift Training are guaranteed to improve the experience of trainer and trainee alike - and lead to better, more enjoyable results!
Timo Anderson, ZingTrain - Ann Arbor, MI


PDF icon On-Shift Training Handout1.4 MB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Harnessing the Power of Small Data (Bookseller Panel)

Recorded February 23, 2023 for Winter Institute 2023
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This session will offer insight into the small data sets you didn’t know you had and how to mine data to better focus your efforts. Information from POS reports, one-question customer surveys, and even understanding store traffic patterns can make the difference between a good day and a great one.


  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology
Recorded February 23, 2023 for Winter Institute 2023

This session will offer insight into the small data sets you didn’t know you had and how to mine data to better focus your efforts. Information from POS reports, one-question customer surveys, and even understanding store traffic patterns can make the difference between a good day and a great one.


PDF icon Harnessing the Power of Small Data transcript.pdf265.51 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Best Practices for Efficient Operations (Bookseller Panel)

Recorded February 23, 2023 for Winter Institute 2023
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Join a panel of booksellers as they discuss ways that they have become more efficient in basic bookstore operations. The panel will review how to organize invoices for efficiency, provide samples of easy-to-use forms to streamlined processes, discuss how to communicate with staff around new operations procedures, and more. Come to the session to listen and also share your own best practices.


  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology
Recorded February 23, 2023 for Winter Institute 2023

Join a panel of booksellers as they discuss ways that they have become more efficient in basic bookstore operations. The panel will review how to organize invoices for efficiency, provide samples of easy-to-use forms to streamlined processes, discuss how to communicate with staff around new operations procedures, and more. Come to the session to listen and also share your own best practices.


PDF icon Best Practices for Efficient Operations transcript.pdf266.11 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Service Leadership Workshop (Outside Expert)

Recorded February 21, 2023 for Winter Institute 2023
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In this interactive workshop, booksellers will have the opportunity to practice service leadership skills. Service leaders turn the traditional “power leadership” model upside down by focusing on empowering instead of commanding. Managers who practice service leadership have found that this method supports potential, creativity, and purpose in their employees. If this approach is different from what you practice and you want to learn more, come join the conversation! And if you are already practicing servant leadership, you will enjoy the opportunity to refresh your skills. (Managers)

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded February 21, 2023 for Winter Institute 2023

In this interactive workshop, booksellers will have the opportunity to practice service leadership skills. Service leaders turn the traditional “power leadership” model upside down by focusing on empowering instead of commanding. Managers who practice service leadership have found that this method supports potential, creativity, and purpose in their employees. If this approach is different from what you practice and you want to learn more, come join the conversation! And if you are already practicing servant leadership, you will enjoy the opportunity to refresh your skills. (Managers)

PDF icon Service Leadership Workshop (Outside Expert) transcript.pdf369 KB
PDF icon Living Servant Leadership.pdf1.16 MB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Hiring and Onboarding Best Practices (Bookseller Panel)

Recorded February 21, 2023 for Winter Institute 2023

A good hiring process will help you attract and retain high-quality booksellers who are passionate about your mission. Onboarding new employees, while time consuming, can make or break that employee’s successful transition from a new employee to an involved and productive employee. If it’s been a while since you took some time to think about hiring and onboarding in a strategic way, then this session is for you! Booksellers who have developed processes around these critical bookstore procedures will share hiring and onboarding strategies for bookstores of all sizes. (Managers)

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Technology Meetup - Google Analytics 4 (part 2)

Recorded October 13, 2022 for ABA Technology Meetups
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In the summer of 2023, one of the biggest changes to Google’s tracking platform in the last two decades is coming — Google Analytics 4. Anyone using the current Google Analytics platform will need to switch.
In part two of this two part series led by Sarah Benoit, Co-founder and Lead Instructor at JB Media Institute  a demo of some of the data options available through GA4 is provided.
10/13 at 1:00 pm: Session 2 – Google Analytics 4 Data  
  • The new Acquisition data
  • The new Behavior data
  • The new Audience data
  • Overview of New Conversion and E-commerce data
  • What to do with custom reports and dashboards in Universal Google Analytics   
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology
Recorded October 13, 2022 for ABA Technology Meetups
In the summer of 2023, one of the biggest changes to Google’s tracking platform in the last two decades is coming — Google Analytics 4. Anyone using the current Google Analytics platform will need to switch.
In part two of this two part series led by Sarah Benoit, Co-founder and Lead Instructor at JB Media Institute  a demo of some of the data options available through GA4 is provided.
10/13 at 1:00 pm: Session 2 – Google Analytics 4 Data  
  • The new Acquisition data
  • The new Behavior data
  • The new Audience data
  • Overview of New Conversion and E-commerce data
  • What to do with custom reports and dashboards in Universal Google Analytics   
PDF icon Google Analytics 4 Data Overview presented by JB Media Group5.41 MB
Plain text icon Chat Copy1.12 KB
Plain text icon Transcript71.28 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Technology Meetup - Google Analytics 4 (part 1)

Recorded September 15, 2022 for ABA Technology Meetups
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In the summer of 2023, one of the biggest changes to Google’s tracking platform in the last two decades is coming — Google Analytics 4. Anyone using the current Google Analytics platform will need to switch.
In part one of this two part series led by Sarah Benoit, Co-founder and Lead Instructor at JB Media Institute  an overview of the changes you will need to understand when you start using GA4 is provided.
Session 1 – Introduction to Google Analytics 4
  • Universal vs. GA4: Why is Google making this change and an overview of what is changing
  • Set up tips: Confirming GA4 is working
  • Getting Started Checklist
  • Overview of changes to Conversion and E-commerce tracking
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology
Recorded September 15, 2022 for ABA Technology Meetups
In the summer of 2023, one of the biggest changes to Google’s tracking platform in the last two decades is coming — Google Analytics 4. Anyone using the current Google Analytics platform will need to switch.
In part one of this two part series led by Sarah Benoit, Co-founder and Lead Instructor at JB Media Institute  an overview of the changes you will need to understand when you start using GA4 is provided.
Session 1 – Introduction to Google Analytics 4
  • Universal vs. GA4: Why is Google making this change and an overview of what is changing
  • Set up tips: Confirming GA4 is working
  • Getting Started Checklist
  • Overview of changes to Conversion and E-commerce tracking
PDF icon Introduction to Google Analytics 4 presented by JB Media Group2.26 MB
Plain text icon Chat Copy1.41 KB
Plain text icon Transcript68.98 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

"Magical Portals Are Real, And I Can Prove It!" with Charlie Jane Anders

Recorded June 22, 2022 for Children's Institute 2022
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Closing keynote address by Charlie Jane Anders. 

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Events
Recorded June 22, 2022 for Children's Institute 2022

Closing keynote address by Charlie Jane Anders. 

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Events

NPD Feature Talk: A Children’s Book Market Overview

Recorded June 21, 2022 for Children's Institute 2022
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Brenna Connor, Books Insights Manager of The NPD Group, will break down the state of the US children’s book market including key trends to watch, highest growth areas, and performance by genre, format, and age range. This can’t-miss session is based on the latest NPD BookScan data and Brenna’s industry expertise.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Events & Marketing
  • Children's Bookselling
Recorded June 21, 2022 for Children's Institute 2022

Brenna Connor, Books Insights Manager of The NPD Group, will break down the state of the US children’s book market including key trends to watch, highest growth areas, and performance by genre, format, and age range. This can’t-miss session is based on the latest NPD BookScan data and Brenna’s industry expertise.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Events & Marketing
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Tech Solutions for Store Operations

Recorded May 24, 2022 for Top Ten Things
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Store operations are the necessary procedures that keep your store healthy and functioning. They can also become complicated. You may not be aware that there are a number of low-tech solutions for common problems. In this hour, booksellers will have the opportunity to hear from presenters who will provide affordable, easy-to-use and scalable technology suggestions to help run your business — and your life — more efficiently. This session is for stores of all sizes. 


  • Cindy Dach, Changing Hands Bookstores (Tempe & Phoenix, AZ)
  • Julia Davis, The Book Worm Bookstore (Powder Springs, GA)
  • Nathan Halter, Batch for Books US
  • Kelly Justice, Fountain Bookstore (Richmond, VA) 
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology
Recorded May 24, 2022 for Top Ten Things

Store operations are the necessary procedures that keep your store healthy and functioning. They can also become complicated. You may not be aware that there are a number of low-tech solutions for common problems. In this hour, booksellers will have the opportunity to hear from presenters who will provide affordable, easy-to-use and scalable technology suggestions to help run your business — and your life — more efficiently. This session is for stores of all sizes. 


  • Cindy Dach, Changing Hands Bookstores (Tempe & Phoenix, AZ)
  • Julia Davis, The Book Worm Bookstore (Powder Springs, GA)
  • Nathan Halter, Batch for Books US
  • Kelly Justice, Fountain Bookstore (Richmond, VA) 
Plain text icon Transcript89.67 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Technology Meetup - Learn About Crowdcast

Recorded May 12, 2022 for ABA Technology Meetups
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Crowdcast is a live video platform for webinars, Q&As, virtual and hybrid events, and more! During this session, Melissa Hayes from Crowdcast will provide a brief demo of Crowdcast v1 and a sneak peek of the upcoming Crowdcast v2. She’ll answer questions regarding both platforms, as well as provide some insight as to how Crowdcast can be used as a hybrid events platform for your streamed in-person events. Members in attendance will be able to express interest in joining the beta program for Crowdcast v2.
ABA also has a partnership with Crowdcast for those interested in the service.
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Events
  • Technology
Recorded May 12, 2022 for ABA Technology Meetups
Crowdcast is a live video platform for webinars, Q&As, virtual and hybrid events, and more! During this session, Melissa Hayes from Crowdcast will provide a brief demo of Crowdcast v1 and a sneak peek of the upcoming Crowdcast v2. She’ll answer questions regarding both platforms, as well as provide some insight as to how Crowdcast can be used as a hybrid events platform for your streamed in-person events. Members in attendance will be able to express interest in joining the beta program for Crowdcast v2.
ABA also has a partnership with Crowdcast for those interested in the service.
Plain text icon Chat Copy3.66 KB
Plain text icon Transcript80.21 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Events
  • Technology

Technology Meetup - Edelweiss

Recorded April 14, 2022 for ABA Technology Meetups
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Edelweiss provides a lot of tools for book industry professionals, but its core purpose is to be a convenient place for booksellers to order frontlist titles from their sales reps. Join Deidre Dumpson, Retail Success Manager for Edelweiss, in a webinar to learn how the ordering process works.

Cosed captioning is available for this session. Please note that it is machine-generated and is not reviewed for accuracy.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Creating a Strategic Plan for Your Store Part 3: Branding & Promotion

Recorded April 4, 2022 for Webinars
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A well-defined and executed brand strategy affects all aspects of a business and is directly connected to consumer needs, emotions, and competitive environments. We will discuss how active brand management takes a valuable asset that may be largely underused and turns it into a powerful competitive advantage. It will be most productive if you come to the session with the attached documents filled out. However, it is not a requirement.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded April 4, 2022 for Webinars

A well-defined and executed brand strategy affects all aspects of a business and is directly connected to consumer needs, emotions, and competitive environments. We will discuss how active brand management takes a valuable asset that may be largely underused and turns it into a powerful competitive advantage. It will be most productive if you come to the session with the attached documents filled out. However, it is not a requirement.

PDF icon Branding Brainstorm Handout (PDF)127.15 KB
PDF icon Branding Slides (PDF)1.59 MB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Creating a Strategic Plan for Your Store Part 2: Developing a Marketing Strategy

Recorded March 23, 2022 for Webinars
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Marketing strategy refers to a business’ overall plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them into customers of your products or services. We will help you learn how to identify your ideal target market and the appropriate marketing mix to drive growth. It will be most productive if you come to the session with the attached documents filled out. However, it is not a requirement.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101

Roundtable: Business Adaptations From 2020 and 2021 Worth Keeping

Recorded March 10, 2022 for Snow Days 2022
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While 2020 and 2021 were arguably the toughest years in recent memory for stores, 2022 continues to bring challenges. Upheavals in society produced a number of short-term temporary changes for businesses, as well as some lasting ones. What short-term changes have become permanent fixtures in your approach to your business and to bookselling? Come to this roundtable to share your experiences and hear from your colleagues.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Roundtable: Conversation With Mobile and Pop-up Stores

Recorded March 10, 2022 for Snow Days 2022
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This roundtable is your opportunity to socialize, network, and learn from booksellers who run mobile and pop-up operations. Whether you represent a mobile or pop-up store or are new to this model, this conversation will provide you with valuable insights and new connections.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Roundtable: Conversation With Microstores

Recorded March 9, 2022 for Snow Days 2022
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This roundtable is your opportunity to socialize, network, and learn from booksellers who run microstore operations. Whether you represent a microstore or are new to this model, this conversation will provide you with valuable insights and new connections.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Roundtable: Conversation With Nonprofits and Employee Owned Co-ops

Recorded March 8, 2022 for Snow Days 2022
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This roundtable is your opportunity to socialize, network, and learn from booksellers who run nonprofits and employee owned co-ops. Whether you currently represent a nonprofit and employee owned co-op or are new to this model, this conversation will provide you with valuable insights and new connections.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Diversity & Inclusion Matters in your Store: A DEI Store Audit to Walk the Talk

Recorded February 16, 2022 for Snow Days 2022
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Led by author and expert Jason Thompson, this session will help stores be effective in their commitment to representation, equity, and access. A DEI audit checklist will help stores look at every aspect of their business — from hiring and training to signage, social media, and inventory — through a DEI lens, and a discussion of goals and metrics will help ensure measurable success. Jason Thompson is a successful and experienced diversity officer that has developed and led diversity programs in higher education, sports, healthcare, and tech. He has been quoted by the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, USA Today, and CNN. His education session for the ABA Board was extremely well received with some directors calling it the best session on this topic they’ve participated in.

Download the handouts for the session here.

  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Technology Meetup - NPD BookScan

Recorded February 10, 2022 for ABA Technology Meetups
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NPD BookScan™ reporting retailers receive complimentary access to our Title & Bestseller service. Learn all about NPD BookScan and our flexible, intuitive web-based dashboard by attending the February 10th ABA Technology Meetup. In this one-hour session, you get an introduction to our tools, such as Basic Search, Bestsellers, Collections, and Graphing, to help you measure, predict, and improve performance.

Session Follow-up:

During this session, a question about how to report your online sales, specifically if you're using the IndieCommerce service came up.  The answer is yes, you should be reporting your online sales, from IC or any other ecommerce system.The IndieCommerce team has created a facility for exporting online sales data for IndieCommerce and IndieLite stores. Booksellers can find instructions for combining online and in-store sales here. IndieCommerce and IndieLite members will find the new option in the Admin menu under Store > Reports > New York Times Bestseller Report (this works for both BookWeb and New York Times). Detailed instructions for reporting all sales can be found here

Cosed captioning is available for this session. Please note that it is machine-generated and is not reviewed for accuracy.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Technology Meetup - Open Conversation

Recorded January 13, 2022 for ABA Technology Meetups
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This Technology Meetup will not have any specific guest speakers. Instead, booksellers are invited to partake in an open conversation about the results of the feedback survey, the technologies that improve their business operations on a daily basis, and what they might look into during 2022.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Technology Meetup - Tips & Tricks for Better Product Photography

Recorded November 11, 2021 for ABA Technology Meetups
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During this session, ABA IndieCommerce Director Phil Davies and Marketing Manager Courtney Wallace will share tips, tricks, and best practices for creating better product photography.

A full transcription is available for this session. Please note that it is machine-generated and not reviewed for accuracy.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Technology Meetup - Staff Scheduling Platforms

Recorded October 14, 2021 for ABA Technology Meetups
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This session features booksellers discussing what staff scheduling platforms they are using, what their process is, and useful tips.

Guest speakers are:

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Technology Meetup - Batch for Books

Recorded September 9, 2021 for ABA Technology Meetups
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Batch for Books is a web-based platform that bookstores can use to manage invoices across multiple publishers and streamline the payment management process. In this session, longtime veteran of the indie bookstore community and current Program Manager for Batch for Books U.S. Nathan Halter will present what Batch for Books is, how it works, and why it is a valuable tool, and he will provide a demonstration.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Roundtable: Industry & the Innovation of Nontraditional Stores

Recorded September 1, 2021 for Children's Institute 2021
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Non-traditional bookstore models push against boundaries and challenge the industry’s perception of what a bookstore is. During this session, pop-ups, mobile bookstores, and other non-traditional models can share the inspiration for their format and how they utilize the assets bred from their innovation to leverage the market and influence their communities.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101

Roundtable: Organizational Structure for Small Stores

Recorded August 31, 2021 for Children's Institute 2021
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Is your store composed of a staff of three people or fewer or a footprint of 1,000 square feet or under? This discussion just might be for you. An example of how small/micro store bookstore employees can utilize this roundtable discussion is to share how they make in-store operations work and seek advice on how to work smarter, not harder, with limited employees and time constraints.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Roundtable: Planning In-Store Operations for the Holidays

Recorded August 31, 2021 for Children's Institute 2021
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It is no secret that 2021 holiday seasons will look different than they did in 2019 and 2020. During this discussion, booksellers can begin laying the groundwork for the in-store operations of their 2021 holiday seasons, which can include back to school, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the 2021/2022 winter shopping season. Examples of ideas that may be discussed are shipping, staffing, in-store shopping, personal shopping, and appointment scheduling.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Technology Meetup - Virtual Accessibility

Recorded August 12, 2021 for ABA Technology Meetups
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During this session* you'll hear from fellow booksellers on how they take accessibility into consideration in the virtual world of websites, virtual events, and social media. Guest speakers for these session are:


*A full transcription and closed captioning are available. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording.


  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology
Recorded August 12, 2021 for ABA Technology Meetups

During this session* you'll hear from fellow booksellers on how they take accessibility into consideration in the virtual world of websites, virtual events, and social media. Guest speakers for these session are:


*A full transcription and closed captioning are available. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording.


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PDF icon Best Practice Accessibility Recommendations for Social Media192.81 KB
PDF icon Best Practice Recommendations for Virtual Events144.03 KB
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Plain text icon Transcript75.28 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

In-person Event Packet

Recorded August 6, 2021 for Top Ten Things

As the COVID-19 virus continues to adapt and mutate, and as federal, state, and local guidelines continue to offer new ways of staying safe, booksellers are left to wrestle with how, when, where, and even if they should schedule in-person events. ABA’s In-Person Events Packet offers suggested steps for navigating the planning process for indoor, outdoor, and hybrid events.

PDF icon In-person Event Packet (PDF)875.12 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Events

Consigning Books and Other Products to Local Retailers

Recorded June 17, 2021 for Top Ten Things
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Consigning out books or other products to local merchants allows you to reach different locations and markets and enables you to strengthen the quality of your brand. Join a conversation with booksellers who regularly consign books to other merchants and know firsthand what the benefits and challenges are. They will share tips for getting started and suggestions for maintaining a vibrant business through consigning products. This session will also include discussion on and samples of operating agreements and other important documents. 

Speakers include:

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded June 17, 2021 for Top Ten Things

Consigning out books or other products to local merchants allows you to reach different locations and markets and enables you to strengthen the quality of your brand. Join a conversation with booksellers who regularly consign books to other merchants and know firsthand what the benefits and challenges are. They will share tips for getting started and suggestions for maintaining a vibrant business through consigning products. This session will also include discussion on and samples of operating agreements and other important documents. 

Speakers include:

PDF icon Takeaways: Consigning Books and Other Products to Local Retailers (PDF)82.53 KB
Plain text icon Chat Copy (TXT)1.92 KB
PDF icon Sample Consignment Agreement from Boogie Down Books (PDF)134.13 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Business Models: Cooperatives

Recorded May 13, 2021 for Top Ten Things
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If you have considered making a change to your current business model, this discussion is for you! Join a conversation with booksellers and experts who will provide information on starting a new co-op bookstore or transitioning an existing bookstore to a co-op.
Moderator: Liza Minno Bloom, Asbury Book Cooperative (Asbury Park, NJ);  Panelists: Matt Feinstein, Co-op Clinic Program Manager, U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives (Grafton, MA); Lisa Swayze, Buffalo Street Books (Ithaca, NY); Libertie Valance, Firestorm Books and Coffee (Asheville, NC)
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded May 13, 2021 for Top Ten Things
If you have considered making a change to your current business model, this discussion is for you! Join a conversation with booksellers and experts who will provide information on starting a new co-op bookstore or transitioning an existing bookstore to a co-op.
Moderator: Liza Minno Bloom, Asbury Book Cooperative (Asbury Park, NJ);  Panelists: Matt Feinstein, Co-op Clinic Program Manager, U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives (Grafton, MA); Lisa Swayze, Buffalo Street Books (Ithaca, NY); Libertie Valance, Firestorm Books and Coffee (Asheville, NC)
Plain text icon Chat Copy (TXT)4.48 KB
PDF icon Takeaways from Business Models: Cooperatives (PDF)100.75 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Business Models: Nonprofits

Recorded April 29, 2021 for Top Ten Things
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Whether your store is new or long established, it can be profitable to consider how your store could be structured differently than your current business model. Join a conversation with booksellers who will provide information on starting a new nonprofit bookstore or transitioning an existing bookstore to a nonprofit.


This conversation is moderated by Veronica Liu, Founder Collective Member & General Coordinator, Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria (New York, NY). Presenters include: Jamie Rogers Southern, Executive Director, Bookmarks (Winston-Salem, NC); Jeff Martin, Founder, Magic City Books and Booksmart Tulsa (Tulsa, OK); Jeff Deutsch, Director, Seminary Co-op Bookstores (Chicago, IL); Praveen Madan, CEO, Kepler's Books and Magazines (Menlo Park, CA)

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded April 29, 2021 for Top Ten Things

Whether your store is new or long established, it can be profitable to consider how your store could be structured differently than your current business model. Join a conversation with booksellers who will provide information on starting a new nonprofit bookstore or transitioning an existing bookstore to a nonprofit.


This conversation is moderated by Veronica Liu, Founder Collective Member & General Coordinator, Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria (New York, NY). Presenters include: Jamie Rogers Southern, Executive Director, Bookmarks (Winston-Salem, NC); Jeff Martin, Founder, Magic City Books and Booksmart Tulsa (Tulsa, OK); Jeff Deutsch, Director, Seminary Co-op Bookstores (Chicago, IL); Praveen Madan, CEO, Kepler's Books and Magazines (Menlo Park, CA)

PDF icon Nonprofit Business Models (PDF)100.74 KB
Plain text icon Chat Copy (TXT)3.4 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

New Labor Laws and Best Practices in the Time of COVID (materials available)

Recorded February 20, 2021 for Winter Institute 2021
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Join Pinnacle Human Resources President Rose Miller and Senior HR Consultant John Kelly as they highlight best practices for managing staff in the age of COVID. Miller and Kelly will offer a practical approach and best practices for administering federal and state leave-of-absence laws (with or without the presence of COVID); insight around vaccine hesitancy and availability; and an overview of the importance of updating your policies and procedures.
Panelists: Rose Miller, President of Pinnacle Human Resources; John Kelly, Senior HR Consultant, Pinnacle Human Resources

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Neurodiversity at Work (materials available)

Recorded February 20, 2021 for Winter Institute 2021
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Neurodiversity is a broad concept and one that covers a multitude of neurological variations. This conversation with neurodiverse individuals and advocates will provide context for Wi16 attendees who are not aware of neurodiversity and the challenges and concerns neurodiverse employees experience in the workplace and customers experience in the store. If you identify as neurodiverse, need direction around communicating with neurodiverse staff or customers, or are simply interested in learning more about neurodiversity, this session is for you.
Panelists: Emily Autenrieth, A Seat at The Table Books (Elk Grove, CA); Ed Thompson, CEO, Uptimize; Katy Alexander, Global Director of Marketing & Communications, Digital Science; Jory Fleming, author of How to Be Human: An Autistic Man's Guide to Life (Simon & Schuster)

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Keynote: “What Now!?” With Brené Brown 

Recorded February 20, 2021 for Winter Institute 2021

Join bestselling author, podcaster, and research professor Dr. Brené Brown for a conversation with one of our own — Janet Geddis, owner of Avid Bookshop in Athens, Georgia — as they discuss what’s next for booksellers. While 2020 is behind us, we’re burnt out, vulnerable, and we have (in Dr. Brown’s words) maxed out our surge capacity. How do we move forward from a place of vulnerability, resilience, and courage? Along the way, how do we stay true to our heart songs, the things that we value and that drive us — our communities, our colleagues, antiracism, social responsibility, and, always, our love for books? This conversation will include a Q&A. Dr. Brené Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston and visiting professor at The University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business, has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. She is the author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers, most recently Dare to Lead, and the host of the Unlocking Us and Dare to Lead podcasts. Janet Geddis is a business owner at Avid Bookshop in Athens, Georgia, as well as a patient advocate/content creator under the moniker “The Migraine Girl.” Janet is a public speaker, writer, and frequent podcast/radio show contributor for numerous outlets, including iHeartMedia & NPR.

PDF icon “What Now!?” With Brené Brown Chat Takeaways139.71 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Managing Online Sales Growth

Recorded February 19, 2021 for Winter Institute 2021

Independent bookstores have seen massive online sales growth since March 2020. How are stores managing order fulfillment, customer support, shipping, returns, and all the other complexities of running a busy ecommerce website — while running a bookstore?

This session will explore how bookstores are successfully fulfilling their online sales. The panel will consist of booksellers from small and large stores who are managing high-volume online sales on a variety of ecommerce-enabled platforms. Topics will include what they learned over the past year as well as shortcuts and tips that are making their lives easier. The panel will be moderated by Senior Manager of IndieCommerce Geetha Nathan. There will also be time allotted for Q&A. If you are struggling with managing your store's online orders or looking for tips to make things easier, this session is definitely for you.
Panelists: Geetha Nathan, ABA (White Plains, NY); Jamie Thomas, Women & Children First (Chicago, IL); Luis Correa, Avid Bookshop (Athens, GA); Lexi Beach, Astoria Bookshop (Astoria, NY); Warren Lee, 44th and 3rd Bookseller (Norcross, GA); Cheryl Lee, 44th and 3rd Bookseller (Norcross, GA)

PDF icon Managing Online Sales Growth Chat Takeaways93.29 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Keynote: Novelist as Citizen

Recorded February 19, 2021 for Winter Institute 2021
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Join bestselling authors Lauren Groff, Viet Thanh Nguyen, and Colson Whitehead for a discussion on the state of literature and what the future holds for the novelist in the aftermath of political upheaval. Moderated by Michelle Malonzo, buyer at Changing Hands Bookstore.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Customer Experience and Hand-selling/Upselling in a Hybrid World (materials available)

Recorded February 18, 2021 for Winter Institute 2021
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Switching to a remote customer experience — curbside pickup, FaceTime hand-selling, online orders, etc. — can create a challenge to providing a successful and cohesive customer experience. This session will showcase creative ways that booksellers have succeeded and even improved the customer experience in this new hybrid retail world.
Panelists: Sara Richmond, Director of Communication & Client Experience, Edelweiss; Phil Davies, ABA (White Plains, NY); Rosa Hernandez, Third Place Books (Lake Forest Park, WA); Michael Barnard, Rakestraw Books (Danville, CA); Cristina Rodriguez, Deep Vellum Books (Dallas, TX); Sarah Bagby, Watermark Books & Cafe (Wichita, KS); Lane Jacobson, Paulina Springs Books (Sisters, OR)

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Opening Keynote: How to Think Like a Futurist

Recorded February 18, 2021 for Winter Institute 2021
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Join futurist Brian David Johnson (The Future You: Break Through the Fear and Build the Life You Want) in conversation with ABA CEO Allison Hill as they discuss the future of bookselling and how booksellers can shape what happens next.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Planning Your Book Fair: The Basics for In-school, In-store, and Online Planning Success Part 2

Recorded February 10, 2021 for Top Ten Things
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Book fairs can be a profitable undertaking for a bookstore, but for those who have yet to launch a fair or who are new to them, the task can be overwhelming. As a continuation of the ABC Group’s virtual education session “Building School Partnerships: Your Librarian, Your Friend,” this session will feature booksellers with established relationships with their local school districts who will share how to build a realistic timeline for a book fair, manage bookstore and school expectations based on a school’s needs, and create a checklist to ensure the fair goes off without a hitch, whether it’s in-person or online.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Children's Bookselling
Recorded February 10, 2021 for Top Ten Things

Book fairs can be a profitable undertaking for a bookstore, but for those who have yet to launch a fair or who are new to them, the task can be overwhelming. As a continuation of the ABC Group’s virtual education session “Building School Partnerships: Your Librarian, Your Friend,” this session will feature booksellers with established relationships with their local school districts who will share how to build a realistic timeline for a book fair, manage bookstore and school expectations based on a school’s needs, and create a checklist to ensure the fair goes off without a hitch, whether it’s in-person or online.

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  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Planning Your Book Fair: The Basics for In-school, In-store, and Online Planning Success Part 1

Recorded January 27, 2021 for Top Ten Things
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Book fairs can be a profitable undertaking for a bookstore, but for those who have yet to launch a fair or who are new to them, the task can be overwhelming. As a continuation of the ABC Group’s virtual education session “Building School Partnerships: Your Librarian, Your Friend,” this session will feature booksellers with established relationships with their local school districts who will share how to build a realistic timeline for a book fair, manage bookstore and school expectations based on a school’s needs, and create a checklist to ensure the fair goes off without a hitch, whether it’s in-person or online.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Children's Bookselling
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded January 27, 2021 for Top Ten Things

Book fairs can be a profitable undertaking for a bookstore, but for those who have yet to launch a fair or who are new to them, the task can be overwhelming. As a continuation of the ABC Group’s virtual education session “Building School Partnerships: Your Librarian, Your Friend,” this session will feature booksellers with established relationships with their local school districts who will share how to build a realistic timeline for a book fair, manage bookstore and school expectations based on a school’s needs, and create a checklist to ensure the fair goes off without a hitch, whether it’s in-person or online.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Children's Bookselling
  • Owners and Managers

Technology Meetup: Open Conversation

Recorded January 14, 2021 for ABA Technology Meetups
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This Technology Meetup will not have any specific guest speakers. Instead, booksellers are invited to partake in an open conversation about the results of the feedback survey, the technologies that improve their business operations on a daily basis, and what they might look into during 2021.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology
Recorded January 14, 2021 for ABA Technology Meetups

This Technology Meetup will not have any specific guest speakers. Instead, booksellers are invited to partake in an open conversation about the results of the feedback survey, the technologies that improve their business operations on a daily basis, and what they might look into during 2021.

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  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Top 10 Things to Know About: Creating Safe and Profitable Virtual Events

Recorded October 15, 2020 for Top Ten Things
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With the growing number of virtual events across an expanding number of platforms, this session aims to offer booksellers tips, tricks, and guidance on how to create safe yet profitable events in the new digital world.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Events
  • Technology
Recorded October 15, 2020 for Top Ten Things

With the growing number of virtual events across an expanding number of platforms, this session aims to offer booksellers tips, tricks, and guidance on how to create safe yet profitable events in the new digital world.

Plain text icon Chat Copy862 bytes
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Events
  • Technology

Technology Meetup - Shipping Tools

Recorded October 8, 2020 for ABA Technology Meetups
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This session will feature booksellers discussing what shipping platforms and software they are using, what their process is, and useful tips.

Guest speakers are: Suzanna Hermans of Oblong Books in Rhinebeck and Millerton, New York Alison Gwinn of Changing Hands in Tempe and Phoenix, Arizona Kathy Burnette of Brain Lair Books in South Bend, Indiana, Vincent Onorati of WORD Bookstores in Brooklyn, New York, and Jersey City, New Jersey

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology
Recorded October 8, 2020 for ABA Technology Meetups

This session will feature booksellers discussing what shipping platforms and software they are using, what their process is, and useful tips.

Guest speakers are: Suzanna Hermans of Oblong Books in Rhinebeck and Millerton, New York Alison Gwinn of Changing Hands in Tempe and Phoenix, Arizona Kathy Burnette of Brain Lair Books in South Bend, Indiana, Vincent Onorati of WORD Bookstores in Brooklyn, New York, and Jersey City, New Jersey

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  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

The Top 10 Things to Know About: Improving Operational Workflow

Recorded September 17, 2020 for Top Ten Things
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With the onset of COVID-19, many bookstores made an overnight switch from welcoming customers for in-store browsing to operating as fulfillment centers for online orders, curbside pickup, and local deliveries. This change has been one of many that stores have been faced with during this crisis. With online sales predicted to increase across all retail sectors this holiday season, now is the time to review and streamline operational workflow for these new processes made necessary by COVID-19. Join us for a conversation that will help you think about streamlining your current processes — online fulfillment, curbside pickup, local delivery, etc. — to improve efficiency and accuracy.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101
Recorded September 17, 2020 for Top Ten Things

With the onset of COVID-19, many bookstores made an overnight switch from welcoming customers for in-store browsing to operating as fulfillment centers for online orders, curbside pickup, and local deliveries. This change has been one of many that stores have been faced with during this crisis. With online sales predicted to increase across all retail sectors this holiday season, now is the time to review and streamline operational workflow for these new processes made necessary by COVID-19. Join us for a conversation that will help you think about streamlining your current processes — online fulfillment, curbside pickup, local delivery, etc. — to improve efficiency and accuracy.

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File The Top 10 Things to Know About: Improving Operational Workflow PPT86.84 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101

Technology Meetup - Eventbrite Updates

Recorded September 10, 2020 for ABA Technology Meetups
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During this session, Jorge Portillo, Client Success Manager and Donna Kumar, Technical Customer Success Manager at Eventbrite will provide updates on recent changes to Eventbrite and some really useful tools that will soon be available.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Events
  • Technology
Recorded September 10, 2020 for ABA Technology Meetups

During this session, Jorge Portillo, Client Success Manager and Donna Kumar, Technical Customer Success Manager at Eventbrite will provide updates on recent changes to Eventbrite and some really useful tools that will soon be available.

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PDF icon ABA - Updates Meeting 9.20.pdf819.47 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Events
  • Technology

ABA Coffee Break, September Afternoon Session #1

Recorded September 1, 2020 for Coffeebreak
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This Coffee Break has been reprogrammed to focus on Monthly Buying. A panel of guest speakers will speak to the process of buying monthly v. seasonally and will answer questions from attendees.

For more information on buying monthly: https://www.bookweb.org/publisher-special-offers-miscellaneous

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101
Recorded September 1, 2020 for Coffeebreak

This Coffee Break has been reprogrammed to focus on Monthly Buying. A panel of guest speakers will speak to the process of buying monthly v. seasonally and will answer questions from attendees.

For more information on buying monthly: https://www.bookweb.org/publisher-special-offers-miscellaneous

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  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101

ABA Coffee Break, August Afternoon Session #3

Recorded August 18, 2020 for Coffeebreak
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This session follows the format of an Open Forum: the opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. Please see the most recent coffee break and/or the daily email update for the most current information.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101
Recorded August 18, 2020 for Coffeebreak

This session follows the format of an Open Forum: the opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. Please see the most recent coffee break and/or the daily email update for the most current information.

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  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101

Technology Meetup - Crowdcast

Recorded August 13, 2020 for ABA Technology Meetups
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As virtual events become increasingly important, good information about hosting options is increasingly important. During this session Steve Fisher, Crowdcast Specialist and a general fan of indie bookstores, provides a brief demonstration of how to create an event through Crowdcast and answer questions regarding the platform. 

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Events
  • Technology
Recorded August 13, 2020 for ABA Technology Meetups

As virtual events become increasingly important, good information about hosting options is increasingly important. During this session Steve Fisher, Crowdcast Specialist and a general fan of indie bookstores, provides a brief demonstration of how to create an event through Crowdcast and answer questions regarding the platform. 

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  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Events
  • Technology

ABA Coffee Break, August Afternoon Session #2

Recorded August 11, 2020 for Coffeebreak
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This Coffee Break has been programmed to focus on wage and labor requirements for bookstores as some states place COVID-19-related quarantine mandates on people entering from out-of-state. Guest speakers will include Tom Jardim and Scott Salmon, experts in employment and labor law from the law firm Jardim, Meisner & Susser, P.C, and Stephanie Steinberg, human resources director at Hachette Book Group.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101
Recorded August 11, 2020 for Coffeebreak

This Coffee Break has been programmed to focus on wage and labor requirements for bookstores as some states place COVID-19-related quarantine mandates on people entering from out-of-state. Guest speakers will include Tom Jardim and Scott Salmon, experts in employment and labor law from the law firm Jardim, Meisner & Susser, P.C, and Stephanie Steinberg, human resources director at Hachette Book Group.

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File JMS Webinar for ABA (1).pptx2.27 MB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101

Marketing Meetup - Paid Social Media Advertising

Recorded August 6, 2020 for ABA Marketing Meetups
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During this session, Alana Haley of Schuler Books & Nicola's Books and Caitlin Marsh of Brilliant Books will speak to their use of paid advertising options through Facebook, such as Facebook Ads and Boosts. In addition, Cassandra Cross and Jordan Brannon of Coalition Technologies will also be offering further advice and tips on Pay-Per-Click advertising.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101
Recorded August 6, 2020 for ABA Marketing Meetups

During this session, Alana Haley of Schuler Books & Nicola's Books and Caitlin Marsh of Brilliant Books will speak to their use of paid advertising options through Facebook, such as Facebook Ads and Boosts. In addition, Cassandra Cross and Jordan Brannon of Coalition Technologies will also be offering further advice and tips on Pay-Per-Click advertising.

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PDF icon American Booksellers Assn. Presentation - PPC.pdf924.71 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101

ABA Coffee Break, August Afternoon Session #1

Recorded August 4, 2020 for Coffeebreak
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This session follows the format of an Open Forum: the opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. Please see the most recent coffee break and/or the daily email update for the most current information.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101
Recorded August 4, 2020 for Coffeebreak

This session follows the format of an Open Forum: the opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. Please see the most recent coffee break and/or the daily email update for the most current information.

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  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101

ABA Coffee Break, July Evening Session

Recorded July 30, 2020 for Coffeebreak
Watch video from this event.M

This session follows the format of an Open Forum: the opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. Please see the most recent coffee break and/or the daily email update for the most current information.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101

About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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